Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy 20th anniversary ADA

Like many laws the ADA (Americans with Disability Act) has been both cursed and praised as well as abused. How rights are exercised and averted can yield fairly strong emotions from both sides of the issue. But why should rights be averted or challenged is and will be a lingering question in the minds of many who were raised to believe the all men (and by inference women) have certain God given unalienable rights. Our own Declaration of Independence states,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Life (read security), liberty (freedom to believe and to move freely in our society) and the pursuit of happiness are not rights individuals with disabilities had enjoyed until the ADA and as with any minority group its citizens still don’t partake of fully.

But I am not here to debate the issues nor explain how the law is being implemented etc. I am here to recount in part the movement. Like any radical movement there were leaders and followers who felt passionately about the subject and the ADA is no different. I think the person I remember most was Justin Dart. He is called the father of the ADA and I suspect deserves the title as I believe he threw himself wheelchair and all into the movement. I believe he traveled to all 50 states garnering support and urging the passage of the ADA. I had the opportunity to hear Justin in person at Seattle Community College in 1996 when he was stumping the country urging individuals with disabilities into greater political involvement, as he was gathering ideas for a national-policy summit in Dallas later in the month. I remember that he exhorted the audience to campaign and vote for candidates and initiatives that empower the individuals with disabilities because the work wasn’t done with just the passage of the ADA. I was in awe of him as I am sure African-Americans and others were in awe of Martin Luther King during the civil rights movement or those of Hispanic origin in awe of Cesar Chavez the Latino civil rights and farm worker activist and like Dr. King, Mr. Dart was a moving orator. He wore his signature white Stetson and had a very smooth eastern accent. He reminded me of FDR in the way he talked and delivered his message. I could have listened to him for hours. He threw himself into his passion – civil rights for individuals with disabilities. What impressed me most is that he was a lifelong Republican. His Republican roots ran deep and he out of conscience switched parties since at that time couldn’t agree with their platform planks that weren’t accessible to people with disabilities (pardon the pun). But for a person who had national recognition in a political organization to switch parties is well huge in my opinion and brought greater respect for the man. He was very clear on his message –advance the principle that people with disabilities and disability issues should be fully-integrated into all national political and policy discussions and decision-making. Justice for All means to defend and advance disability rights as the central issue. You can read a bit about Justin in the link to Ability Magazine:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mission Possible

Our video, Morningside Ride 2010, debut was last Wednesday at the Thurston County Chamber of Commerce lunch Forum. It was well received by those present. Watch and let me know what you think.

Here is the link to our video.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mission Impossible

I just got done viewing the third rough cut of the Morningside Ride video, a spoof on the Mission Impossible opening theme. It’s pretty funny if you know the script – the cast did an outstanding job. I would like to thank our cast: Tamara Schaffert, Betsy Pozzanghera, (agents Turbo and Cabriolet) Michael Cade, Celia Nightingale (dynamic duo), Brian Salva and Ben Howeiler from Heritage Bank (pushing a car and hauling a huge king salmon) along with Jerry Farmer, guest star who is from ROXY one of our sponsors. We have some very creative minds in this organization and those who we tapped to star in this epic production. Jonathan Pleger and Tamara did an outstanding job of working on the script and working with the videographer. Yours truly has a cameo appearance. The purpose is to generate interest in the ride and explain in a humorous way what the Ride is all about. We will be presenting this at the Thurston County Chamber Forum this Wednesday (7/14/2010). Look for the video on our web page and on Youtube when it comes out - soon. I don’t think this is going to go viral but you never know.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Big Disability Elephant in the Room

I just returned from the Association for Persons in Supported Employment (APSE) Conference. [More information about the organization is available at One of their initiatives is Employment First which establishes the idea that integrated competitive employment is the first option for all individuals regardless of disability level or support needs. It is exciting that this new public policy is gaining increased momentum both at the state and federal levels. It also begs the question about Washington State: What is happening with institutions in our state? While we are moving away from sheltered employment and segregated service to services in the community we still have 5 state institutions. The move to the community is a good trend that we have embraced wholeheartedly for many years now. But doesn’t it fly in the face of all national and state policy trends to maintain institutions? Washington is noted for its progressive supported employment movement - as a matter of fact we are first in the nation. So how can we reconcile the fact that we still have 5 state institutions for individuals with disabilities?

The governor proclaimed that community based services are the preferred options and suggested the state close some of the institutions. So what is happening? What is the hang up? Is it the unions? Is it a reticent administration? Is it battle weary legislators? If the residents want to live and work in the community, and believe me they do, what is stopping us from making the move? Why are we holding back? So to the policy makers and people in the position to change let’s show some courage and be brave about this after all courage is the power to let go of the familiar. And the opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it is conformity. We don’t need to study the issue to death like everything else in this state what we need is a band of people to act, to move this forward. To this I say “Sign Me Up”. I am ready to serve. I am ready to move forward. It should and can happen. And soon.