Lacking inspiration for my blog I turned to the internet to garner some thoughts on disability rights and issues. Google is terrific search engine; as a matter of fact I think it has made a profound impact on all our lives…or at least those of us who use the internet. But when I look at the response Google gives me I don’t gain clarity of thought or discover something earthshattering but look at the screen shouting at me. I can click to contact an attorney to see if I qualify for disability benefits. In my cynical mind I think great I can pay an attorney a bunch of money to qualify for benefits that force me into poverty. But without the benefit I would undoubtedly be poor because the medical costs necessary to remain functional would make me poor (if I had the money). It’s a confusing world.
The browser screams at me to take notice of injustice to be informed of the latest wrong uncovered and made right. I am once again appalled at hearing of Ashley’s Treatment and read about the debate about decisions made to sterilize her and stunt her growth – here in the State of Washington at Children’s Hospital. How did this happen? I wonder how Ashley feels about all of this.
The browser screams at me to pick a disability rights group – the news is similar court cases from around the country revealing all sorts of actions, findings and ruling by jurists. Who is qualified to hear a case like this? Does it take a legal mind to decide or a compassionate heart to determine justice? It’s a confusing world.
The browser beckons me to contact Social Security “Apply for Benefits” the header reads. The web site is confusing as going to the Social Security office itself and you can get lost quickly. At the bottom of the page it says I can go to my local office for more information. Hum….Really? To determine if a disabling condition qualifies for benefits, Google directs me to the Office of Disability Determination. I make a wrong click and end up at the DSHS home page. How did I get here? I know Duane French the Director of DDS maybe I should tell him I am lost.
Why have we made it so difficult for individuals with disabilities….to live or to navigate the system?
I think of my own kids with disabilities and I know they want to be like everyone else to live, laugh, and love…why is it so hard and confusing? Why the screaming? Why the madness?