Whoo-hoo - we’re Number 1!! It isn’t often one gets to brag (and bragging is not really in my consciousness) but there are exceptions. We have the best supported employment outcomes of anyone in the United States! There I said it! We know we are number one in the state – data proves that. But, if indeed, Washington State has the best employment outcomes in the nation doesn’t it seem logical that Morningside has the best outcomes in the nation…maybe even the world? I think yes!
Cindi Kirchmeier was at a Division of Developmental Disabilities meeting when Branda Matson congratulated Cindi. Cindi thought it was because of our recent CARF accreditation but asked for clarification. Branda said congratulations because Thurston County has the best outcomes in the state for supported employment!
DDD has completed statistics on the number and percent of clients employed by County and Acuity Level. (Low acuity equates to needing the least amount of assistance whereas high acuity requires the highest level of support as the individual has many barriers to employment.)
And Thurston County is the BEST in Washington State!!!!!
Low Acuity – 64% employed with 36% unemployed.
Medium Acuity – 90% employed with 10% unemployed
High Acuity – 57% employed with 43% unemployed (the next county for high acuity is at 15% employed)
Not to suggest other organizations in the county aren’t good but we are number 1! We serve the most people, we serve the most severely disabled, and we have the best staff. Hence the claim to be number one in the nation!
So I am pumped and it only underscores what we knew all along - Morningside is the best because we have the best staff! Cheers to us!