Monday, July 14, 2014

A Friend Does Good

Special Olympics began in the early 1960’s when Eunice Kennedy Shriver saw how unjustly and unfairly people with intellectual disabilities were treated. She also realized that many children with intellectual disabilities didn’t even have a place to play.  So she decided to take action and created a summer camp in her own backyard that led to the founding of the Special Olympics.  Since then Special Olympics has been going strong across the United States and Canada.  In July 1968 the first International Special Olympics Summer Games were held at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois, USA.  You can read more about the history by going to their web page:

I am a huge fan of the Special Olympians, especially those that participate from our area.  It's wonderful to celebrate their success with them.  And every few years we have a client from Morningside who gets to compete nationally or even internationally. 

This year Corbin McGearey competed in Power Lifting at the US Games in New Jersey.  Corbin was chosen from all state Gold Medal winners to represent Washington State at the 2014 US Games.  And we were well represented!  Corbin placed 3rd in his Division in the Squat scoring 125 points, 5th in his Division in the Bench Press and Deadlift, and 5th in his Division in the Male Combination (Bench, Deadlift & Squat).  Way to go Corbin! 
In addition to his hours of training and gym time, Corbin works at The Evergreen State College for Aramark Food Service.  He has worked at TESC for more than 5 years as a Dining Room Attendant.  And Corbin is one of the friendliest people I know!  There's always has a smile on his face and he is always eager to greet people.  I met him at The Valley Athletic Club before his trip last month to New Jersey.  He was quick to greet me and tell me about his trip.  For all the details check out the article about him which The Olympian ran a front page article at:

Corbin dedicated his trip to New Jersey and his competition at the Games to his Great Grandma Lucile Mades and Olympia High School baseball coach Todd McDougall who passed away July 2013.  So in addition to the dedication needed to be a great athlete, Corbin is a sincere and caring young man.    

Corbin we are proud of you - and not only for your Olympian feats but for the person you are!  Congratulations from all of us at Morningside. 

                       picture taken by The Olympian - Corbin is on the right.