In our line of business this is all too common and I have
met hundreds of parents who are caregivers for their son or daughter n exactly
the same situation as Sean and Jenny Carter.
I have tremendous admiration for parents and family
members as they endure unbelievable circumstances while providing invaluable
assistance to their son or daughter. As
I have come to know these parents and see firsthand the support they give, their
unconditional love is evident in a variety of ways. These families also need our support in
whatever ways we can give it. For
example, we can advocate for family support dollars for respite services or
ongoing care. I am sure our support would
be greatly appreciated.
The link is provided below so you can listen to the
Carter’s story. As you listen please
remember this story is played out in tens of thousands homes right here in in
our community, our state, and across this country every day.
Here is the link to NPR: