Thursday, February 4, 2010

“Jobs are the Way Out”

I now have heard the Governor of the State of Washington and the President of the United States say that jobs are key to moving our state and country out of the recession. Why then aren’t the Federal and state governments supportive of individuals with significant disabilities finding and keeping jobs in the community? Federal economic stimulus money went to serve the least disabled (contrary to the priorities of the federal law). State monies to serve individuals in supported employment working in jobs in the community are earmarked to be cut by over 200 positions. Frankly, I don’t understand this – is it because policy makers don’t really believe that the job a person with a developmental disability performs is important? If that is the feeling held by policy makers then they aren’t listening to the hundreds of business owners that value the work and dedication these individuals have toward their job. I have heard from scores of business managers, supervisors and owners who extol the work ethic and outstanding work performed by the individuals we support in the community. Business owners get it. People with disabilities get it. Our staff get it. Why don’t bureaucrats and policy makers get the fact that people with developmental disabilities want to work, are good workers, and just need a bit of support (like us all) to succeed?

1 comment:

  1. We just need to keep on knocking on their doors and letting them know, Jim. You are right on target.
