Thursday, June 5, 2014

End of Year for Transition Students

Morningside this year contracted with Thurston County to lead the Job Club for students in Thurston County.  I had the opportunity to visit the last Club meeting of the year this past Friday and I was very honored to have been invited and treated so special.  What struck me how well our staff work with the students.  Bobby Jo Sweet was leading the group and Jeff Davis was assisting her.  Jeff just joined the transition program as Britni (seen below with students) has moved into a supervisory role at Morningside.  It is always fun to see our staff work with clients or students as they are so professional and treat everyone with so much respect – a hallmark of our staff. 

Since it was close to the end of the year and so many yearend events happening, some school district students weren’t attending so the class size was around 15 or so.  But what a lively group.  They shared with me a beginning of the year and end of year comparison of their “30 second infomercial” video about themselves.  What a difference in their attitude, demeanor and social skills in presenting themselves.  You could tell they worked hard at skills they would need when applying for a job. 

Everyone from Olympia School District was excited about the Life Skills prom that was being held that night at the high school.  I heard about it from several of the students.  My friend Laura who is on the Lakefair Royalty Court posted on FaceBook that it was a very special evening for everyone attending.  I am happy for the students and our staff for a very successful year.

Justin with Britni

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